首先, 张玉春介绍了参与本次研讨会的教师代表,并根据自身多年教学经历及近年来本校消防专业毕业生的就业情况,向全体同学介绍了消防专业今后的就业方向和发展趋势。
The Seminar
between the Fire Protection Faculty and students from the Collaborative
Bachelor’s Program in Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology Was Held
In the afternoon
of March 20, 2018, Southwest JiaoTong University “Double First-class
Construction” of the collaborative bachelor’s program in fire protection and
safety engineering technology was held in the main building of Emei campus. The
aim of this seminar mainly was to solve the problems before,and give students a
deep impression of fire protection and safety engineering technology. Professor
Zhang Yuchun, associate professor Lin Peng, Dr. Liu Jing, Dr. Ye Lin, Dr. Chen
Juan, Song Guangrui and other teachers from Xipu campus, and students from Emei
campus participated in the seminar.
At the beginning
of the seminar, Professor Zhang Yuchun introduced the
representatives of teachers who attended the seminar and the
employment orientation and development trend of the fire engineering major to
all students in terms of his years of
experience in teaching and the employment situation of fire engineering major graduates
in recent years.
Then, associate
professor Lin Peng emphasized the importance of basic learning in university. He
believes that only a good foundation can provide wide choice of space for
future studies and employment.
At the end of the
seminar, teachers patiently answered to the question raised by students.The
questions were almost about the future graduate study, the employment of
graduates and the learning of English IELTS.
This seminar
strengthened the interaction and relationship between Emei Campus Safety
Engineering Student and Xipu professional teachers, answered the questions of
students, and let teachers have knowledge of students’ voices.